About Us
My path to a career in relocation began with moving from Lithuania to the UK where I worked as a lawyer for ten years. Then I “trailed” as a spouse to Singapore, later Switzerland and the US. No one can truly prepare you for the challenge and isolation that can bring. Many times I felt stuck and useless. Equally many times I’ve learned skills and tried out activities I would have not come across otherwise. I know there is a way to overcome the daunting differences and make your experience count. There is a way to discover, tame and enjoy your new country.
Inspired by my wish to help other families in similar circumstances, I started working as a Destination Services consultant in Singapore. My attention was always focused on supporting the family and the spouse as individuals rather than just doing my job. I always enjoyed the look-sees and settlement services which I would tailor to the family’s needs and frequently use my own time to go overboard providing advice, recommendations, and much needed insight into how the country functions. I never received that as a relocating spouse and I promised myself to provide the best service I could, the service I would appreciate myself. Having now relocated several times with children of various ages, I feel confident that I am in a position to provide the best cultural consultation service to people who are relocating as well as starting new collaborations with foreign countries. I look forward to speak to you and to determine the best way forward. I can be flexible with your time and your budget.
Kind Regards,
Julija Humphreys